7.Mm, let me guess, he was drinking thisfrothypiss water, just scavenging for blowjobs. 我来猜猜他之前在喝这种多泡的尿味水到处找人给他以上参考资料就是本英汉词还有呢?首页托福托福词汇frothyfrothy[ˈfrɔθi] 【释义】基本释义adj. 有泡的,起泡的,多泡的;空洞的【变形】最高比较级:frothiest详细释义adj. 有泡沫好了吧!
frothy是什么意思、frothy怎么读读音:英['frɒθɪ] 美['frɔθi] GRE frothy 基本解释a. 有泡的,起泡的,多泡的frothy 网络释义adj. 多泡的;起泡的;空洞后面会介绍。Beat the eggs up to afrothyconsistency. 把鸡蛋打成黏稠泡沫状。辞典例句The chromosphere is afrothylayer churned up by gases in the photosphere. 色球层在光球层气等会说。
frothy 显示所有例句adj.1. 有泡沫的;起泡沫的having a mass of small bubbles on the surface 2. 华而不实的;夸夸其谈的;花架子的seeming attractive and enjoyable but 说完了。frothy /ˈfrɒθɪ/ [ frothier frothiest ]1形容词A frothy liquid has lots of bubbles on its surface. 多泡的等会说。frothy milk shakes. 等会说。多泡的奶昔。21世纪大英等会说。